Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 16 - WC Reality Boot Camp


Somewhere along this path, I believe I have mentioned that I take care of my grandchildren during the day and whenever the need arises due to Military Schedules. Our family has only been here in North Carolina since July of this year and I found a Library about fifteen minutes from our home that has story time for Preschoolers every Tuesday morning so I have decided that we will make this a weekly field trip. There is a Family Resource Center next door to the Library and I ventured into the building today and spoke to several people there. In particular, one of the offices in this building is the Social Services Office and I went in and spoke with the 3 families sitting in the waiting area and not a single one of them was interested in the least about what they could do with $2000.00 and one lady said that she couldn't even imagine having it so was not interested and didn't have time for anything. I left that office in amazement that there are people who have time to sit in an office to collect Welfare and Food Stamps but not have time or any interest in learning or hearing of how they could have an opportunity to make money and make a difference in their life. Wow! After story time, I treated my grandson to McDonald's for lunch and let him play with any kids who may be there too. This is the only time he gets to play with boys as his other siblings are girls. Last week, I was able to get a few contacts during our time out but today it just was not going to happen. I am finding that when I talk to Military families their first and immediate reaction is "no, we are military" and sometimes you just can't get past that...so, I count them as practice and continue on and today was one of those days. I was able to speak with a lady who is a new first time mommy of a 5 month old son and she seemed excited to hear more about this business but she does not have an email so I can not count her officially as a contact. As a matter of fact, I have several contacts without emails and I just continue to call them and will do so until I am able to make contact again to see if they have had a chance to look at the presentation and get their thoughts and questions taken care of so we can proceed forward with them.

So what to do on days like this? Do not despair, I have also mentioned that I have prior lead contacts that I have not yet called upon...and you guessed it! Once again, I settle in for some phone dialing. Now, I can remember when not too long ago, it took me forever to pick up the phone and make that first call. I went through 2 World Changer Clinics to help me push past my fear and help me with calling leads. Now after doing this for two months the process is so much easier so this is just another example of how I know that the process of talking with strangers person to person will get easier too. Now I may have to make 10 - 20 calls or more to get someone to talk to but I just keep at it until I can make the contacts. It is the same process with talking to people on the street. I will continue to go out and try to get my contacts on a daily basis because this is my business and I know within my heart that there are people out there who not only need this opportunity but who will understand it and I will find them.

Go out and have an awesome day on purpose!

1 comment:

bestblinddate said...

I know what you mean... I call it the welfare mentality and a lot of people seem to have it??? Anyway... I am so impressed that you did not let it slow you down... that is awesome :-) ... love your tag also... go out and have an awesome day on purpose... seems you take your own advice very well! Aletha