Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 15 - WC Reality Boot Camp

Hello everyone!

I stuck to my plan and went out during the weekend and did some practice starting up conversations and I have to say, that it was so much easier when I told myself to just practice. I even had a young lady say hi to me first! This definitely helped make my Monday (today) much easier than last Monday and I will continue this throughout the boot camp and going forward.

I achieved my 5 today. Four are from going out to talk with the masses about My Power Mall and one who has her own business making beaded jewelry and is a contact that I have had for over a year but never thought of for this business until today when Linda B. came onto the morning boot camp call and shared what she is doing with businesses. Duh!

Folks, I know that we have mainly talked about individuals (at least I have) but there is a market for the mom and pop businesses out there as well as the major businesses and what an ingenious idea from Linda B. who is talking to her business people about the Local Merchant advertising that is free with their World Changer Mall. I know that I have a few contacts I will be working on getting to and will be making an even larger list to start working on all while still going out and talking to the masses.

If you are a business owner or an individual reading this and you want to know more about this topic, I invite you to watch the movie.

Saturday, I read Jeans blog and she really put everything in perspective for me so I am beginning week 3 satisfied with where I am at because I know that as I continue to add contacts to my list and just keep following up, I will be creating momentum and momentum has no where to go but to explosion when the time is right.

Until tomorrow...

Have an awesome day on purpose!

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